Having your cat live with you for as long as possible is your ultimate goal as a pet owner. After all, adopting her in the first place was probably due to you wanting a furry little friend to have around the house and cuddle with at night. So to keep her in excellent health, explore common cat diseases and potentially fatal feline diseases and talk with your veterinarian about ways to prevent such cat diseases from occurring. By taking more proactive measures now both in your research and through talks with your vet, your cat will have a stronger chance of taking up valuable space in your home for a much longer time.
There are not many common feline diseases, but the ones that do exist can cause significant harm to your cat, so you must know the ways you can proactively prevent her from contracting these diseases. Specific cat skin diseases are common among felines, as are cellular diseases and other conditions that they could pick up from being outdoors even in the partial sense. Knowing what cat disease symptoms look like and the myriad ways to help your cat from contracting these illnesses can keep her around much longer.
Especially with cat disease symptoms, your vet is an excellent resource. During a regular checkup or an unexpected visit if cat disease symptoms do present themselves in your feline friend, you could ask many questions of your provider, including how you could play a more active role in disease prevention in your animal. There are prescription and nonprescription medications she could take, for instance, that would up her chances for fighting off certain infections. These medications certainly come with their own set of warnings, but they may have less considerable side effects than actually having the disease.
The web is another excellent resource when looking up cat disease symptoms because you never need to make an appointment here or pay a fee or copay to speak with a vet. Online, plenty of veterinary experts share their advice for taking proactive measures and offer live advice if the cat disease symptoms your feline companion is experiencing are severe or perhaps even rare. So whether your cat is already experiencing symptoms and you have concerns or whether you simply are focused on preventing her from getting ill, explore these two resources to the best of your advantage so she lives with you for a very long time.