If you own a cat, you should be aware of common cat diseases that your cat could contract, both so that you can tell when your cat is sick by recognizing cat disease symptoms, and so that you know how to treat these cat diseases, or know when to seek treatment from a vet for cat skin diseases.
While there are many feline diseases, cat skin diseases are among the most common. One of the more common cat skin diseases are bacterial infections. In many cases, bacterial skin infections develop as a result of another skin problem. For example, feline acne can make a cat’s hair follicles more vulnerable to infection, resulting in folliculitis. Bacterial infections may be treated with antibiotics, but it’s important to address any underlying skin conditions to prevent a recurrence. Another common form of cat skin diseases is a yeast infection. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus and are also more likely in cats that have other medical problems. The ear is one of the most common spots for a yeast infection. Symptoms may include a black or yellow discharge, redness of the ear flap, and persistent scratching of the ear. Yeast infections are easily diagnosed and respond well to treatment with an antifungal agent. Ringworm is another type cat skin diseases that affects cats, especially kittens under a year old. It causes circular lesions on a cat’s head, ears, and forelimbs. The skin around these lesions is often flaky and bald. Ringworm is highly contagious and can spread to other pets in the home, as well as to people. Another common cat skin diseases is sporotrichosis, which produces small, hard skin lesions that may leak fluid. Sporotrichosis is considered to be a public health concern, because the fungus is known to spread from cats to humans. People with a compromised immune system are especially vulnerable.